THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR OF PUIKICAIION week by week CANDIDATES; ISSUES AND VOTERS T HE NOMINATIONS of Vice...
Growth for What? Economic growth should be a by-product of the pursuit of purposes worthier than sheer size by ROBERT LEKACHMAN T HE AMERICAN rate of economic growth seems fated to be one of...
HERE AND THERE THE CANDIDATES T HERE is a strong feeling in certain circles that the Republicans and the Democrats have given us different versions of the same candidate this year. Some...
~Nill the rioters, victorious in June, try again in the fall? Non-Gentle Men of Japan by EDWARD SEIDENSTICKER S UMMER HAS settled over Japan, and on the whole things do not happen in Japan in...
being violently anti-Communist." This is wholly misleading, suggesting as it does that the two factions cancel each other out. They make the student movement difficult for even its friends to...
THE SCREEN SEE NAPLES AND DIE C LARK GABLE and Sophia Loren may be the stars of "It Started in Naples," but the film's greatest asset is its magnificent scenery. Using VistaVision and...
up. I don't know how factual the movie really is, but it's well stocked with characters whose names made the headlines in the '30s (Lepke, Albert Anastasia, etc.), and it has a grim...
BOOKS Illuminating the Landscape of Surrealism A KINDLY CONTAGION. By Walter Toman. Bobbs-Merrill. $3.75. By BETTE RICHART S URREALISM is one of the inexhaustible aspects of...