THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION week by week POLITICAL METEOROLOGY N OT ONE but two little clouds, and both already...
A Shorter Work Week? Our lopsided society has a genuine genius for technology equalled only by its blindness in utilizing its benefits by SIDNEY LENS T HE WOBBLIES, whose insurgent impulse a...
CATHOLICS, PROTESTANTS AND JEWS Talking with Each Other by LEO R. WARD I N OUR county, which includes South Bend and Mishawaka and Notre Dame and has a population of two hundred thousand, a...
ITALIAN BESTSELLER The Soul of Sicily by GUNNAR D. KUMLIEN I T IS a well-known fact that Italians are not interested in books. Only in Spain and in certain Balkan countries are less books sold...
THE SCREEN people who lead unnice, unhappy, sexy lives, this is your dish of tea. ENCROACHING JUNGLE D ESCRIBED as "London's first adult musical," the stage hit "Expresso Bongo" has now...
was not very well planned to start with. Perhaps the script that Williams wrote with Meade Roberts was too long, or perhaps Director Sidney Lumet allowed the exposed footage to run too long; in...
a good? It is these lacunae, partially, that deny "The Best Man's" most arresting figure---the Nixon prototype --more than a circumstantial reality, neglect his singulaxity as a phenomenon----one...
HERE AND THERE MASS MEDIA FOR MASS MAN D URING a recent "challenge" program on the state of television, Leo Rosten put the problem in a nutshell. "The trouble with the mass media," he is quoted...
BOOKS Disapproval with Compassion THE LONELINESS OF THE LONG-DISTANCE RUNNER. By Alan Sillitoe. Knopf. $3.50. By MAX COSMAN A NY lingering notion that an English writer of fiction today must...