THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION week by week MAKING STRAIGHT THE WAY I T IS DIFFICULT to realize, this Christmas,...
Thy Neighbor As Thyself "How rarely we find an American Catholic who can identify himself with a Cuban peasant or a Japanese coal miner" by ALBERT J. NEVINS I N THE FACE of the overwhelming...
FROM A KOMSOMOL DIARY Baptists in Russia by S. KRAINOV EDITORS' NOTE: The Communist magazine Younost recently published a few pages from the diary of a member of Komsomol (Communist Youth), with...
HERE AND THERE EVERY CHRISTMAS T HEY have set up the big tree in Rockefeller Plaza; the skinny street-corner Santa Clauses are out again and above the low mournful sounds of New York traffic their...
WRITER AS PROPHET H. G. Wells and War by F. H. DRINKWATER S AY WHAT you like, but H. G. Wells, in those early books before he took to reforming human society, was a truly great storyteller, a...
TERESA OF AVILA Almighty God could make again did malice unmake the world from my turning heart, a world of use enough. When I ride under moon, it is in love in love frosty wheels...
THE SCREEN OUT OF TUNE T HE BRITISH have a way of coming up with themes that American films seldom touch, and frequently these off-beat movies attract American audiences and even goad Hollywood...
THE STAGE CONSPECTUS ALL THE Way Home: The Agee ceremonial of mortality is divested by the very nature of theater of its lyrical extension and keening inward pressure, but so gravely austere in...
FOR AQUINAS AT CHRISTMAS "Dumb Ox," they called you Speaking better than they knew, For oh, there came a time When some sublime Deep inner showing of God Left you without a language, And you stood...
Visionary Architecture ART “rri WENTIETH Century projects considered too revolutionary to build" (and a handful of similar projects of the past that proved prophetic) make up an exhibition...