THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION week by week AT LAST, THE CLIMAX? C HARLES DE GAULLE is not unused to crisis and...
The Crib and the Throne Our primary concern must be the redemption of the world now and its deliverance at the end of time by JOHN WHITNEY EVANS T HE CHRISTMAS SEASON has in recent years...
TWO REVOLUTIONS Castro and Mexico by LAWRENCE T. KING REVOLUTION in Guatemala, rebel attacks on Nicaragua, bloody rioting in Venezuela, student demonstrations in Mexico—all bear frightening...
TWENTY YEARS LATER Return to Paris by HELENE RETURNING to a city after twenty years is like revisiting an old friend. First you are afraid—afraid of the change you are sure to find in him, and he...
MAN AND BOY Widen the gap, Lord, and extend the lag between the frenzy and the candid heart, but now give Mary joy and bless the child with five wits and question, duty and daring, pets and a...
HERE AND THERE PRIDE AND I N THE July 22, 1960 issue of The Commonweal, I wrote the first half of what I said would be a two-part article. At that time I was concerned about whether there would be...
THE SCREEN FROM TOBAGO TO BROBDINGNAG F 4VERY NOW and then the studios display enough common sense, along with their corn mercial perspicacity, to make the moviegoer willing to forgive them...
BOOKS Ezra Pound: the Meritorious and the Meritricious EZRA POUND. By Charles Norman. Macmillan. $6.95. IMPACT. By Ezra Pound, Edited by Noel Stock. Regnery. $5. By RICHARD GILMAN O NE OF THE...
SABBATH Here silence seals horizons. Silence sifts Down all around as sweetly through my thoughts As sunlight drifts Through leaves, and folds within my heart In golden shoals As sun upon the...
RECORDS Varieties of Beethoven E VEREST, with a minimum of fanfare, has released an absolutely firstclass edition of the nine Beethoven symphonies, plus two overtures (Egmont and Leonore No....