THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION week by week SHAPE. OF THE PRESIDENCY T HE NATION will very shortly learn...
Gabriel Marcel's Way In his own way, speaking in his own tone, he communicates to us the perennial philosophic quest for contact with reality by SEYMOUR CAIN G ABRIEL MARCEL has doggedly and...
WORDS FOR SALE Literary Ghosts by JOHN P. SISK m ‘ EN," SAYS IAGO, "should be what they seem," and it is because so many of us — passionately agree with him that the ghost writer arouses in us...
TRADITION OF SURPRISING EXCELLENCE The Light Touch by BETTE RICHART I N THE SEVENTEENTH century, an English clergyman named Robert Herrick perfected the light touch in poetry; it is doubtful that...
THE SCREEN "YOU'LL COME A-WALTZING WITH ME" S ELDOM does a movie capture the true spirit of family so well as "The Sundowners" has. This is not just a togetherness sort of thing, although goodness...
THE STAGE THE SENSE OF POWER A GLIB AND witless blunder had me assuming, two weeks last, the prophetic stance—clearly, it would seem, an uncongenial posture: not for me the utterance sibylline—and...
THE POEM From the ripe silence it exploded silently. When the bright debris subsided it was there. Invisible, inaudible; only the inky shapes betrayed it. Betrayed, is the word. Thence it moved...
CRITICS' CHOICES FOR CHRISTMAS BOOKS JAMES FINN N IGHT. By Elie Wiesel. Introduction by Francois Mauriac. Hill and Wang. $3. This spare, unblinking recollection is one of those hard facts which...
GIFTS To Warm the Heart ... Kindle The Mind A Priest Confesses by Jose Luis Martin Descalzo A tender, profound, joyous account of ,just what it means to become 'Another Christ." By the author of...