THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION week by week PUERTO RICAN PASTORAL I N THE POLITICAL storm that followed last year's...
The Difference to Me The fading cliché of the current campaign is that there is no real difference between the candidates by JAMES FINN B Y THE TIME election day arrives one of the hardiest myths...
DIVINE MILIEU Roots of Our Being iby PIERRE TEILHARD DE CHARDIN W HERE ARE the roots of our being? In the first place they plunge back and down into the unfathomable past. How great is the...
UNILATERAL DISARMAMENT Britain and the Bomb by J. L. BENVENISTI A S A RESULT of its just-concluded annual conference, the British Labor Party may have ceased to exist as a major political force....
THOUGHTS OF A FORTIETH YEAR? Nothing so portentous. But I recall shame for half a heart, a cheapside, its better half a ghost mourning among hucksters. Recall what dull edge the truth wears...
THE SCREEN THAT OLD TIME RELIGION F ROM the advertisements for "Inherit the Wind," one might think the film was about monkeyshines. It isn't. Although the picture, which is a thinly-disguised...
THE STAGE STYLISTIC PERFECTIONS T HE JOSEPHINE of "Pinafore," who is "a captain's daughter," and Mlle. Irma, sweetly complaisant poule to the Parisian milieu, do make, indeed, an arresting pair....
from the control exerted by the moral order. This last was unthinkable to both Plato and Aristotle and to the medieval tradition that followed them because that tradition insisted that all art be...