THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION week by week THE LOYALTY ISSUE T HE CAMPAIGN is heating up, and if Vice President...
Religion and Science Constant tension between religious thought and expanding secular knowledge is as inevitable as it is invaluable by JULIAN PLEASANTS I T IS TWENTY-FOUR years now since I sat...
SALARIES IN CATHOLIC COLLEGES The Poor Professor by RUPERT J. EDERER M OST college professors are victims of self-pity, admittedly. Yet there are abundant grounds — for this state of mind. Among...
IN SEASON There is little to fear in the death of summer. The year is wound in a shroud of color clear and precise as an autumn sunset and near as the tomb. There is little to fear. There is...
A VITAL CONCERN Seminaries in America by GERARD S. SLOYAN T HE AMERICAN Catholic has a high stake in the education available to his clergy, whether secular or regular. Yet it may be observed in...
PRIESTLEY ON LITERATURE A Reader's Guide by VIVIAN MERCIER T WOULD BE very easy to dismiss J.B. Priestley's I Literature and Western Man (Harper, $6.95), unread, with some time-saving phrase...
THE STAGE THE OVERREACHER T HE PROPHETIC silence of M. Marcel Marceau, his sinuous actuality of movement, may be seen—indeed heard, echoing—in an exhibition which tests more audaciously than any...
THE SCREEN CASTING SHADOWS BEFORE F j YEN THOUGH he displays extraordinary determination and courage, the hero of "Sunrise at Campobello" is not just another movie hero. He is Franklin...
COMMUNICATIONS THE U-2 FLIGHT Detroit, Mich. TO THE EDITORS: My indignation at Dennis Knight's letter ["The U-2 Flight," Sept. 16] is exceeded only by his and apparently your cowardice, for,...
BOOKS Life and Literature in Britain and America A MIRROR FOR ANGLO-SAXONS. By Martin Green. Harper. $3.50. By ANNE FREMANTLE 0 NE OF THE great changes in the emphasis of fiction between the...