THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY.SIXTH YEAR OF PUIILICATION week by week SENATOR KENNEDY AND THE CHAPEL D R. DANIEL A. Poling, editor of...
Religion in College A Catholic reports on a Lutheran experiment in religious education by JEROME TAYLOR V ALPARAISO UNIVERSITY, a fast-growing and vital Lutheran institution in northern In-...
HERE AND THERE GREEN YEARS T HE NINETEEN fifties were a decade of re- markable growth for American Catholicism. I do not refer to numerical growth, though that was important, nor to the...
PAUL ELMER MORE Apostle of Humanism by FRANCIS X. DUGGAN H ARRY LEVIN, in The Power of Blackness, speaks of "the old assumption, which would not be seriously challenged today, that esthet- ics...
I T WILL BE evident to any reader of Paul Elmer More that the biography rests on a great amount of research; but the full extent of that research and the value of its findings are not, perhaps,...
Supporters of college football see attacks as assaults by the intellectuals What Price Football . by WILLIAM B. T HE ARROGANCE which long marked the ad- ministration of college football is...
For the Second Term CLASSROOM orders, 10 or more copies of The Commonweal, to be mailed in one pack- age, may be entered for any number of weeks at 13~ a copy. A free copy is added for instructor...
denies they had any thought of murder and admits the single instance of adultery of which she is now sincerely ashamed. The roles of the other legal minds, although less important than Franciosa's,...
Timely! Permanent! Provocative! Book- Approaches to Christian Unity by C, J. Oumont, O.P. Translated by Henry St. John, O.P. Christian unity must be achieved. It is Christ's comma"~'~'. Pete...