THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION week by week MR. ROCKEFELLER WITHDRAWS W HEN NELSON Rockefeller announced...
China-Soviet Conflict? Real differences undoubtedly exist. The question is: how serious are they in the over-all picture? by MICHAEL HARRINGTON F ROM THE offices of de Gaulle in Paris to the...
rupt, inefficient and incompetent regime of Chiang Kai-Shek, but such speculation will not alter the pres- ent plight of the Chinese millions. It would, of course, make great sense to change the...
EFFORTS TOWARD REUNION Lutherans in Denmark by BONAVENTURE M. SCHEPERS I T IS DIFFICULT to find an historical analogue to the ecclesiastical volcano which threatens to erupt in Denmark...
Protestant bishop cannot claim to exercise a definitive role, for he is at best just another theologian, and also in the sphere of the sacramental life of the Protestant communion. He acts no longer...
COUNTERPOINT FEDERAL INTELLECTUAL LIFE T HE NATIONAL Defense and Education Act of 1958 is in effect now, introducing to the states and selected schools, high and low, an increased federal...
THE SCREEN TIME, YOU OLD GYPSY MAN I T WASN'T the best cinema year or the worst, but thank goodness for the good foreign films that helped to spruce up American screens. I find in listing...
THE SCREEN TIME, YOU OLD GYPSY MAN I T WASN'T the best cinema year or the worst, but thank goodness for the good foreign films that helped to spruce up American screens. I find in listing...
A MESSAGE TO CATHOLICS AND PROTESTANTS A Proposal /or Realizing Christian Solidarity by OSCAR CULLMANN The distinguished professor of Basel University, Switzerland, evaluates the contemporary...
Church. In such awe and stillness, we can let ourselves be permeated with the Spirit of God; we can enter into the silent obedience of Christ, even to the Cross. This is the only way in which we can...