THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION week by week CATHOLICS AND THE PRESIDENCY T HIS EDITORIAL is being written in a...
Efforts Toward Reunion The Church Universal The great obstacle which keeps the Eastern churches from Rome is their great fear of "Latinization" by BEDE GRIFFITHS I T IS NOT easy for a...
calculable importance) is the inner spirit of the Eastern rites. In them we find the true genius of the Christian East. By their symbolic and mystical character they will make an appeal to the...
HERE AND THERE A, CATHOLIC PRESIDENT I F ANYTHING could convince even the paranoiac anti-Catholic that the hierarchy is not seeking political power in the United States, the Bishops' recent...
Have the battles of the thirties really been won? Case for Discontent by JOHN C. CORT A NYONE who knows anything about Catholi- cism in America knows that there are within it at least two...
THE STAGE "ONLY CONNECT . . ." T HE MOTIF of the educated heart--what Mr. E. M. Forster, in the epigraph to Howard's End I have chosen as title, sees as the aristocratic crown of human energy...
THE SCREEN THE VOICE OF THE TURTLES A NYONE familiar with Tennessee Williams' plays, or the movies made from them, knows that they usually involve strong subject matter. Williams likes to drop a...
Although it has some good cinema, the movie as a whole did not quite come off. Unlike "Suddenly, Last Summer" which skillfully combines fantasy and real- ism, "Black Orpheus" uses a fantastic tale...
A STORY A Wash of Gamboge by CAROL HAWKES N 'EW YORK sunsets are in frighffuUy bad taste. They flare up through the Jersey smoke over the Palisades, streaking the sky with red, or- ange,...
BOOKS A Great and Controversial Priest and Scientist THE PHENOMENON OF MAN. By Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Harper. $5. By KARL STERN F ATHER Teilhard de Chardin, French Jesuit priest and...
ness of things. His awareness is as patent in callow reminiscences like "1939" and "'Je Suis Perdu'" as it is in mature expositions like "Ve- nus, Cupid, Folly and Time," "The Little Cousins," and...