THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION week by week CHANCES OF NUCLEAR CONTROL F ROM ALL ACCOUNTS, the advances...
The Case for Suburbia It must be remembered that suburbia never pretended to redeem man completely from urban and technological influences by NElL P. HURLEY I T WAS ONLY a few years back that...
of the old fabric of our society and possibly the generator of illusion. Lionel Trilling in The Liberal Imagination has observed that "after a certain point quantity of money does indeed change...
REPORT FROM VIENNA Communist Youth Festival by MICHAEL HARRINGTON A T FIRST GLANCE, the Seventh World Youth Festival for Peace and Friendship in Vienna during late July and August looked like...
standpoint of its support for nationalist movements. They usually argued the "two camp" theory of the late Stalin period rather than the more sophisticated line of "peaceful co-existence." And...
"A DIFFICULT AUTHOR" The Place of Pascal by MARTIN TURNELL p ASCAL is a difficult author because his work invites wildly differing personal interpretations. He was, moreover, a passionate,...
An Exchange of Views "Science and the Church" Louisville, Ky. T O THE EDITORS: Professor Her~eld missed an opportunity of placing the Church s relation to science in a truer light. His article...
THE SCREEN SUMMER ROUNDUP H ERE'S AN end-of-summer sale with brief comments on several of the current films. As might be expected during the vacation season, films for young folk and adults...
humor and romantic touches are definitely not for the children. But the film is fast and racy and funny and exciting and, needless to say, entertaining adult fare. A Hole in the Head is an...
RECORDS Opera- Mostly Modern F RANCIS POULENC'S "Dialogues des Carmrlites" (Angel) may be the greatest opera of our time. Certainly it is the finest thing the composer has done and is in...