THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION ,,week by week A CHANGING COURT? T HE SUPREME COURT'S latest rulings...
The Death Penalty How compelling to the Christian conscience are the traditional arguments for the death penalty? by ROBERT HOVDA T HERE IS A strong suspicion abroad that, when it comes to...
It is part of the job to recognize early warning signals An American in Gaza by JAMES D. PICTON G AMAL ABDEL NASSER'S recent attacks on Middle East Communists sounded here in the Gaza Strip...
THE SCREEN NUNS FRET NOT N O DOUBT many a nun before and after Wordsworth fretted at her "convent's narrow room." "The Nun's Story" tells of such a nun. Although it never makes clear what...
COUNTERPOINT FRONTIER T HE CITY of Fresno does not seem, offhand, the first place to expect a new and vigorous development in Catholic book publishing. But any commercial atlas will show that...
FeET ON TH,E HEROIC SCALE The Epic of St.-John Perse by MARTIN TURNELL ~ ' 1 [ ' 1 ~ T E ARE a long way from Marcel Proust." W When I first read it, this sentence from Claudel's essay on...
or, to use the word on which the poet sets his personal stamp, "conciliation": "Cause gained, sea conciliated"; "The alliance is consummated, the collusion perfect": "O plenary Sea of alliance of...
much of the inner world of a human being. Consider again Mrs. Synge and J. M. Synge. Seen outwardly she is an unprescient mother and he a contumacious son. But surely there is more to them...