THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION week by week LARGE CONFERENCE, SMALL HOPES T HE PREPARATIONS for the Big Four...
Science and the Church It is entirely misleading to work for a simple identification of the results of science with the beliefs of religion, whether the two agree or disagree by CHARLES M....
for higher things than what moderns may, ignorantly, call science.) The approach is that of Procrustesm what doesn't fit is cut off. The same strategy, by the way, is used by the logical...
HERE AND THERE WANTED, THEOLOGIANS F ATHER WALTER J. ONG once said that in theology, as in other disciplines, theory tends to lag behind practice. The most striking example we have of this is...
THE SCREEN BREAKDOWN ON THE MAIN LINE A UDIENCES watching "The Young Philadelphians' are expected to believe, along with the middle-aged and older members of Main Line society in this movie,...
Newman's behavior with that of his betters, it is at times, but without much depth, a sort of Philadelphia "Room at the Top." M UCH MORE melodramatic, but meaning to be so, is an English film...
CHILDREN'S BOOKS A Children's Minstrel by CLAIRE HUCHET BISHOP T O PROMOTE EXCELLENCE in the field of books for children, the Catholic Library Association two years ago established the...
CHILDREN'S BOOKS A Children's Minstrel by CLAIRE HUCHET BISHOP T O PROMOTE EXCELLENCE in the field of books for children, the Catholic Library Association two years ago established the...