THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION week by week PROTESTANTS UNDER FRANCO T WO ITEMS in the N. Y. Times for May...
The Reluctant South The people who normally provide the leadership in political, economic, educational and religious institutions are refusing to lead the South from the wilderness by JOSEPH S...
COUNTERPOINT ADENAUER FOR PRESIDENT F OR A WEEK, or almost a week, soon after the war in Germany was over, and while the Allied Armies were marching to take position in the four Zones, and when...
What purpose, if any, was served by the Bar Association's recent report? Supreme Court v. A.B.A. by JOHN E. NOLAN, JR. p ROBABLY no action of the American Bar Association in years has received...
worthwhile, then that is the report's justification. But it seems at least questionable that this would be sufficient to outweigh the possibility that the report would be uncritically...
strange phenomenon has been discovered at this point. A bourgeois youth would consider himself ddclassd if he took a job as soon as he could. He prefers to study hard through high school and...
HERE AND THERE THE LADY AND THE SENATOR A T THE HEIGHT of l'a1~aire Boothe Luce, Senator Carroll of Colorado had some blunt words for his confreres. "If we continue on with this debate," he...
THE SCREEN GET ALONG LITTLE DOGIE S INCE HOLLYWOOD has made more westerns than any other type of picture, the producers naturally consider them their stock-in-trade. Recently, however, with...
innocents being exposed to the ways of townsfolk was designed for the teenage trade, but it also has something to say about a man, even a young one, standing up against wrongdoers. It seems that...
BOOKS THE FIG TREE. Scribners. $3.50. For Menenites Only By Aubrey Menen. By ALICE ELLEN MAYHEW A UBREY MENEN, who was born in England, had an Irish mother and an Indian father, was...