THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION week by week ROUGH PROSPECT T HE OPENING of the foreign ministers' parley on...
The Rover Boys Revisited In our youth, the real library was each boy's shelf or two of beaten-up, dog-eared and scribbled-in treasures, half of them borrowed by JOHN P. SISK B Y NOW several...
response literature that C. S. Lewis tells us Paradise Lost is. But the audience it was written for was a collaborator, and the adult, re-reading it but no longer able to find in himself a...
It now appears that publication of the book will be delayed until the passing of the new bill, when it will become the first test case under the revised law. W ITH THE PASSAGE of the Obscene...
France's new movement Follows the path of rejection Arrival of the Anti-Novel by VIVIAN MERCIER F RANCE IS a country where literature constantly makes news. Right after World War I!...
HERE AND THERE SAUCE FOR THE GOOSE N " OW LET US suppose that the Catholic Bishops of the United States have gathered in solemn conclave for their annual meeting in Washington and have...
THE SCREEN NO VIEW, NO ROOM V ITTORIO DE SICA'S "The Roof," made several years ago but only now released in this country, has the same theme as "The Eighth Day of the Week." The main...
THE SCREEN NO VIEW, NO ROOM V ITTORIO DE SICA'S "The Roof," made several years ago but only now released in this country, has the same theme as "The Eighth Day of the Week." The main...
BOOKS The Western Literary Scene INTERNATIONAL LITERARY ANNUAL No. 1. Edited by John Wain. Criterion. $5. By MAX COSMAN H OPE MUST spring eternal in the annual-maker's breast. How else...