THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION week by week WESTERN DISAGREEMENT D R. ADENAUER'S sudden decision to step down...
On Catholic Education The Church never loses sight of the fact that her responsibility is to educate, not so much for man's temporal lifetime, as for eternity by AELRED GRAHAM I N DISCUSSING...
Jordan finds itself isolated in a sea of troubles Formosa of the Middle East by DON PERETZ O N A RECENT JOURNEY through the Hashimite Kingdom of Jordan, I was struck by the tremendous...
tions would have to trim their development programs considerably. In any case, successful completion of the Johnston plan for regional development of the Jordan River and the Yarmuk project for...
AHERE AND THERE A WORD FOR I WOULD LIKE to say a word for tolerance. I suppose the best way to begin is by saying something against tolerance. For if I do not there will be letters in the...
THE SCREEN HAVE CAMERA, WILL TRAVEL W HILE INTERNATIONAL film making and the widely-traveled camera sound like good ideas, the films themselves do not always come up to expectations. Two new...
THE SCREEN HAVE CAMERA, WILL TRAVEL W HILE INTERNATIONAL film making and the widely-traveled camera sound like good ideas, the films themselves do not always come up to expectations. Two new...
An Exchange of Views I-Socialism in Europe Rome, Italy. T O THE EDITORS: It would seem that it is Michael P. Fogarty, rather than the Church, who needs to be brought up to date regarding...
Irish-American politics that a Christian Democratic party can ever be more than a regrettable necessity as it would be, I should imagine, to convince Mr. Calderon that such a party could ever be...
rode that night on a spree of such crimes. If you can imagine the terror this insurrection and John Brown's abolitionist-sponsored raid raised in the hearts of every Southerner, go a step further...
BOOKS Mankind on the March Toward Unity TffE MOVEMENT OF WORLD REVOLUTION. By Christopher Dawson. Sheed & Ward. $3. By FRANCIS E. McMAHON i r i s SYMPTOMATIC of the times that no one will...