THE Commonweal
A Weekly Review of Pubiic Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION week by week PEACE THIS CHRISTMAS D IFFERENCES in sophistication come...
Efforts Toward Reunion
Orthodox and Catholics
We must leave no stone unturned to effect a peaceful reconciliation between Rome and the Eastern Churches by PAUL MAILLEUX S PEAKING to a...
"You are caught up in the great sweep of human history" This Is Rome
by GEORGE H. DUNNE W HAT IS the word to describe Rome? Extra- ordinary? Beautiful? Vibrant? It is all these and more....
bility and courage wrung admiration from his con-queror, Julius Caesar, awaited death? Or perhaps the one where later was strangled to death Simon Bar Gioras, last valiant defender of Jerusalem,...
COUNTERPOINT SPECIAL PURCHASE G RADUALLY, during three-quarters of the year, a person gets fairly well adjusted to his Supermarket. With women it is necessary; with men the accomplishment is...
It remains one of the few issues which can still stir passions The School Question in France
by ROBERT BARRAT T HE SCHOOL QUESTION in France has been poisoning the atmosphere for almost...
F OR SIX months a commission headed by P. O. Lapie, a Socialist, and made up of representatives of public and private education, has revised the whole itinerary of the late Paul Boncour...
THERE'S STILL TIME, BROTHER W ITHOUT ANY doubt the year's scariest film is 'On the Beach," Stanley Kramer's frighten- ing and expertly made opus about the end of the world. It...
scientist's widow; Thayer David, as Count Saknus-serum, who trails along with the expedition after his villainy fails to stop it. And wringing her hands back in Edinburgh while the group make their...
BOOKS at cross-purposes since the Renias- sance.Augustine as a Contemporary Of course, a book that can set THE MODERNITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE. By Jean Guitton. Helicon. $2.50. By WILHAM PETR~EK...
characters to that of another, so that there are at least seven or eight times too many fictional points of view. For another she is much given to the author's aside, the little God-like...