THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR OF ,PUBLICATION week by week THE BISHOPS" STATEMENT T HE STATEMENT which the Catholic Bishops...
Infernal Theater Although Michel de Ghelderode has been a force in Belgian letters for thirty years, he is almost unknown here by SAMUEL DRAPER W HEN A LOCAL television interviewer re- cently...
ciologist, and philosopher, for his theater is the art of instinct and intelligence, not of psychoanalysis or any analysis that is harmful to vision and divination. He also knows that topical ideas...
He was always willing to accept the consequences of unpopular opinions The Political Bernanos by THOMAS MOLNAR W E ARE UNABLE as yet to understand the full measure of the man Georges Bernanos,...
HERE AND THERE MOTES M Y FRIEND, William F. Buckley, Jr., has written a new book called Up from Liberal- ism which is going to rouse many liberals to shout all the louder "Down with Buckley!"...
THE STAGE IMAGES N OTHING dominates so intensely in theater art as the image, persuading us--before words, conceptions, patterns~to the reality of its glamour, its high suffering or lucidity of...
THE STAGE IMAGES N OTHING dominates so intensely in theater art as the image, persuading us--before words, conceptions, patterns~to the reality of its glamour, its high suffering or lucidity of...
COUNTERPOINT PEACE AND PEACE MONGERS M UCH, TOO MUCH, of the peace propaganda beating about the country is concerned not with peace but with war. This peace monger- ing is different from...
BOOKS Critics' Choices for Christmas WILLIAM CLANCY S CIENCE, Religion and Chris- tianity. By Hans Urs yon Bal- thasar. Newman. $3.50. The chal- lenge for religion in our age (as in any age)...
Little People and Big Events THE BRIDGE ON THE DRINA. By Ivo Andric. Macmillan. $3.50. By EDWIN KENNEBECK I VO ANDRIC, a distinguished Yugoslavian writer and states- man, chronicles the story...
THE PHENOMENON OF MAN "The appearance of rue PHENOMENON OF MAN in English dress is itself something of an evolutionary break-through in the cul- tural order. For us to become acquainted with the...