THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION week by week THE WILL TO PEACE TO THE VARIOUS people who will see him on his...
In the Name of the Law If the police are to respect both the letter and the spirit of the law, the public must do so first by JOHN E. NOLAN, JR. A FEW YEARS ago the Chicago police arrested by...
HERE AND THERE THE QUIZ SHOW UPROAR IN AN AGE when it often seems that the "fix" is standard operating procedure just about every- where, the recent uproar over the quiz show scandals is...
The capacity to organize is a sign of our national maturity A Vote for Organization by J. N. MOODY WHILE THE majority of Americans seem primarily concerned with payments on the car, projected...
gether and welds them into an effective unit. His deci- sive contribution is his capacity to organize. ORGANIZATION has its own objective and im- personal ends, Mr. Drucker asserts, and it must...
The Mermaid has been built by public subscription, funds being forthcoming from brokers, shipping com- panies, insurance corporations, underwriters and other groups of hard-faced men, and not least...
owes them a living and a loving in "A Summer Place." Produced, directed and written by Delmar Daves from Sloan Wilson's novel, this slick, handsomely Technicolored, very lengthy (130 minutes) and...
COUNTERPOINT COMPANY TOWN THE COPPER TOWN of San Manuel is altogether different from the traditional picture of a grim company mining town. The first view of it from the long, sloping approach...
BOOKS James Joyce, Catholicism and Mr. Morse THE SYMPATHETIC ALLEN. By J. Mit- chell Morse. N.Y. University Press. $4. By KEVIN SULLIVAN IN NOVEMBER, 1929, H. G. Wells, replying to a request...