THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR OF ,PUBLICATION week by week, THE CANDIDATES A S POTENTIAL candidates for the Presi- dency...
The Pool of Ignorance in every country there is some illiteracy, and in many countries there is almost no literacy at all by C. K. YEARLEY, JR. M ORE THAN twenty years ago Franklin Roosevelt...
HERE AND THERE THE CHOICE L AST week I saw an advance showing of Stanley Kramer's production of "On the Beach," the film made from the Nevil Shute novel. The picture will be released in December...
Publishing a daily is big business, in which only the well-heeled can survive Disappearing Dailies by TED LE BERTHON D ESPITE the vast numbers of us who listen to radio and T.V. news...
"You'd lose your shirt. Several big city dailies are widely read here. They're all Republican. Our local merchants don't advertise with them; they do advertise in our little semi-weekly. But if you...
COUNTERPOINT BLUE RIBBON PIONEERS T HE PROBABILITY is slight that any county in any State has a more beautiful setting for its annual fair than Santa Cruz County, Arizona, has at the crossroad...
THE SCREEN ASK ANY GIRL OR BOY I N JUNE, "Ask Any Girl" brought Shirley Mac- Laine to New York as a career girl looking for a job or a husband or both. The film was a bright bit of froth that...
the key to the plot is in the flashbacks exposed as the various witnesses take the stand. It seems Sir Mark and his friend were in a German P.O.W. camp and escaped with another man, a struggling...
BOOKS Religion, Culture and Contemporary Life THEOLOGY OF CULTURE. By Paul Tillich. Oxford University Press. $4. By LEONARD F. X. MAYHEW C ULTURE, considered as the total complex of the...
Indeed, the explosion and its fury, unleashed upon us on the first page, are never really justified in terms of the characters they de- stroy. Mr. Humes provokes a com- parison with Conrad, Malraux,...