-week by weekMR. MIKOYAN'S VISIT MR. ANASTAS I. MIKOYAN has come and gone. In a few short days he spoke with more people of importance and influence than any other recent visitor could...
For Federal Aid by FRANCIS GRIFFITH AT LONG LAST the federal government has recognized the need of aid to common education. In its dying days the eighty-fifth Congress passed the Hill-Elliot...
GOVERNMENT AND EDUCATION II Against Federal Aid by PHILIP BURNHAM EVERY STATE in the Union has sufficient wealth among its citizens to support any form of schools its people...
HERE AND THERE LIVING ON THE HEIGHTS MY BROOKLYN HEIGHTS neighbor, Truman Capote, has an article on the Heights in the current issue of Holiday. I turned to it eagerly, for ever since we...
The vision of the great Jesuit paleontologist, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Christ and the Universe by DOROTHY POULAIN HALFWAY BETWEEN St. L6 and Coutances is the Chateau de Cerisy, with its old...
THE STAGE CUI BONO MR. ALEC COPPEL'S "The Gazebo," a comic melodrama of amiable negligibility, and "Third Best Sport," the negligible amiability with which Miss Celeste Holm is afflicted, are...
THE SCREEN WAR IS MANY THINGS THE CYCLE of war films continues with a generous quota of imports, most of which are more concerned with factual stories and off-beat episodes than with the...
OF NOTE AUTHENTIC DIALOGUE THE MOST RECENT issue of the quarterly Phi losophy Today (Saint Charles Seminary, Carthagena, Ohio; $4 a year) includes several articles on "Man and his...
COMMUNICATIONS THE BEAT GENERATION Philadelphia, Pa. TO THE EDITORS: In his article on the Beat Generation literature [Dec. 2] Mr. Krim dealt only with method, and not the meaning or...
BOOKS Meditation and Commentary of a Christian Poet A POET BEFORE THE CROSS. By Paul Claude!. Translated by Wallace Fowiie. Regnery. $6.50. By PHILIP DEASY "FOR MANY years now, O Lord, each...