THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR OF PUIlI.ICATION week by week GOING TO THE BRINK L ATEST DEVELOPMENTS in the Quemoy crisis...
The Presidency Today The President, we seem to agree, ought to behave as though he is the most dynamic force in government, standing athwart all three branches by C. K. YEARLEY, JR. O NE...
confronts him. But this problem involves questions that antedate 1953. Generally speaking, decisionmaking in a democratic society has always been for those engaged in it a tortuous and...
profit versus loss. On the contrary: the third attitude towards the African situation which I wish to mention is dictated by a very genuine desire to build a community with the overseas...
vides for the setting up of a dictatorship in what I will, in order to protect myself from prosecution, call the Roman sense of that term. But in Rome it was at the behest of the Senate that the...
THE SCREEN DANDY DANNY C HARM is hard to define, but Danny Kaye certainly has it in "Me and the Colonel." And the picture, a comedy-drama without the songs and musical numbers that usually...
by the British on the Dark Continent and showing it as it was in the 1890's, when an Irishman (Richard Todd) goes to join a friend on a farm in Central Africa. He finds his friend dead and the...
regular and honored commitment of our fuUest talents, a miracle which the Stratford enterprise may yet bring within possibility. That alone might project Shakespeare out of the pale flush of...
BOOKS De-Christianization of the World TEMPORAL AND ETERNAL. By Charles P6guy. Translated by Alexander Dru. Harper. $3.50. By PHILIP DEASY T HE FIRST of a proposed three or four volume work...