THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION week by weekBLOCKING DESEGREGATION T HE BASIC REASONS for bringing...
The Beat and the Angry Why should these two stereotypes about British and American writers have appeared when they did and taken these particular forms? by SAM HYNES T HE GENERATION of American...
rut, at least gave the young rebels a subject that was real, and in so far as the Angry Young Men have anything in common it is the common theme of the corrosive interaction of man and the...
Crisis in the Middle East I Communism in the Arab Nations by GUNNAR D. KUMLIEN F OR ONE WHO tries to ignore propaganda from both sides while traveling in the Arab countries, there are two...
anniversary of the storming of the Bastille during the French Revolution. They stress this quirk of history because they think the Arab world is now living its own French Revolution, i.e., the...
er's point of view are obviously much less attractive. Yet the truth is that in many cases, so far from intensifying development schemes, we should be trying to get them cut down. If we do...
THE SCREEN BARDEM ON BOREDOM T HAT FINE SPANISH director, Juan A. Bardem, whose film, "The Lovemaker," gave serious audiences something to think about last spring, has come up with another film...
OF NOTE Pi~RE DE FOUCAULD A N ARTICLE in the July-August. issue of Blackfriars (34 Bloomsbury Street, London, W.C.1, $4.50 a year) describes the ideals of P~re Charles de Foucauld and of the...
unobtrusive and fraternal kind of friendship, an apostolate meant more particularly for the more abandoned strata of society . . . . Pursuing the apostolate through friendship can perhaps be...
BOOKS Stephen Crane Before the Legend MY STEPHEN CRANE. By Corwin K. Linson. Syracuse University. $3.50. By JAMES GREEN,E S PRAWLED on the divan in Corwin K. Linson's cozy New York studio in...