THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts r,t 'n,-FouRr. 'rEAR OF PUBUCA'nON week by week TOWARD A FOREIGN POLICY A S THE SUMMIT meeting becomes...
The Reaches of History The reorientation which the modern world demands rests on the fact of evolution-cosmic, organic and intellectual by WALTER J. ONG I N CERTAIN sectors of the globe we...
network of communications are poised our technological skills. And the space age has in some sense begun. T HUS HISTORY, seen in sufficiently large perspectives, gives us some idea of what...
wealth comes from the exploitation of the colonies." I let that pass and asked about Germany and Switzerland. There was not an instant's hesitation. "Germany is financed by the United States...
healthy intergroup relations. The progress we have made must not blind us to the need for further progress. But we must also be realistically aware of the impediments to further...
W ITH SACHA GUITRY it was all style: witty and naughty French sophistication. His last film, "Lovers and Thieves," like many of his others, is a study in impudent irony. While a man in...
I must add that the quotation marks about President Vargas' election in 1950 are entirely out of place. The elections in 1950 were free, and millions voted for Vargas. He did not succeed himself....
BOOKS The Art, the Thought and the Person of Claudel CLAUDEL. By Wallace Fowlie. Hillary House. $2. By RICHARD GILMAN C LAUDEL has been dead more than three years and we are still trying to...