THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION week by week ANOTHER PEARL HARBOR? H OW SAFE is the United States from a...
Challenge to the West When countries of the West act from materialistic motives, these are recognized as a betrayal of something in which we claim to believe by DOUGLAS HYDE E VERY TWELVE to...
Readers respond to an invitation to contribute their views The Public Image of the Church I N HIS COLUMN in the June 13th issue, John Cogley discussed the public image of the Church...
When he received the Nobel Prize, few readers here knew either the poet or his work The Poetry of Jimenez by JACK E. PATTERSON ~"1~ ]l" Y INTERIOR life, eternal beauty, my iu Work." With this...
Intelligence, give me The exact name of thlngsl Let my word be The thing itself, Newly created by my soul. Under the impact of this impelling need to communicate, his thought becomes more...
HERE AND THERE THE IMPORTANCE OF T HIS WAS a woman who sat beside me in the subway. She was reading headlines in the evening paper and commented on the news for a friend's benefit as she read....
THE SCREEN FUN IN ENGLAND N 'ORMAN KRASNA'S stage play "Kind Sir" was a bit of fluff made more or less entertaining by a first-rate cast, headed by Mary Martin and Charles Boyer. The movie...
BOOKS Man's Image Projected by American Writers THE IMAGE OF MAN IN AMERICA. By Don M, Wolfe. Southern Methodist Univ. Press. $5. By JACOB COHEN T HIS IS a frankly tendentious history of...