THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts rH, '-FOURrH 'EAR OF PUBUCAT, ON week by week REPORT ON EDUCATION T O SAY THAT everybody talks about education but...
Myth or Reality? Catholic Nations "Religion is the most important factor in molding the mind and the outlook of a nation or a region" by ERIK VON KUEHNELT-LEDDIHN W HENEVER a European lecturing...
The exchange program is essentially an attempt to combat international ignorance Cultural Exchanges with Russia by SAM HYNE$ T HE CURRENT critical excitement over the Moiseyev ballet recalls...
travel by American tourists. The Russians in turn failed to persuade the Americans to minimize their travel restrictions or to agree on direct commercial air trat~c between the two countries....
HERE AND THERE AN ARTICLE OF PEACE J AMES O'GARA in his report on the Religion in a Free Society seminar [May 30] asked what Catholics might learn from the experience. "The central lesson," he...
As one studies the annual lists, certain patterns and tendencies do appear American Best Sellers by JOHN P. SISK T HE PRESENT YEAR marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the publication of...
THE SCREEN BIRTH WITHOUT TEARS F OR MANY YEARS the movies suggested childbirth scenes by calling for "boiling water--lots of it," until it finally became a clich6. Nowadays films incline to...
very complicated; but Director Brian Desmond Hurst never allows its intricacies to get in the way of the fast action. On the side of the young king is dashing and daring Louis Jourdan; and among...
BOOKS Chronicle of an Island World THE HARD BLUE SKY. By Shirley Ann Grau. Knopf. $5. By ELIZABETH BARTELME y OUNG, lively and meticulously shaped, Shirley Ann Grau's first novel is...