THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR OF PUBUCATIC~ w:ek by week PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS AGAIN A N ARTICLE in the April 16th...
The Intellectual and the American Dream "Objectively speaking, Babbitt may not do anything real, but sociologically he is in the mainstream of reality" by EDWARD L. W HEN THE sputniks went up,...
money-making as the standard by which the whole of life is to be measured. And since this is what a thinking American conservative would have to defend, an insincerity which is perhaps not moral...
More than half the children in the world have never drunk milk or seen medicine The Other Two-Thirds by NElL P. HURLEY B E NOT SOLICITOUS, therefore, saying: What shall we eat or what shall we...
HERE AND THERE LITURGY AND I MUST BE blindly prejudiced on the subject of a vernacular liturgy, for I simply do not see any argument against it. The prejudice was reinforced during Holy Week,...
THE SCREEN NO BIZ LIKE SHOW BIZ S TAGE-STRUCK girl comes to New York, struggles for recognition and suddenly rises to the heights when the star walks out on a show and she takes over the...
THE SCREEN NO BIZ LIKE SHOW BIZ S TAGE-STRUCK girl comes to New York, struggles for recognition and suddenly rises to the heights when the star walks out on a show and she takes over the...
COMMUNICATIONS "WAS 'FASCISM' AN EPISODE?" Auburn, N. Y. T O THE EDITORS: In "Was Eascism an Episode?" [Mar. 14], the author declares that National Socialism is the common denominator of ,all...
BOOKS Humor Within Melodrama THE PRICE OF DIAMONDS. By Dan Jacobson. Knopf. $1.45 (paper). By ROBERT GUTWILLIG T HE Price ol Diamonds is Dan Jacobson's best book to date. And that is saying...