THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION week by week EXPANDING CULTURAL RELATIONS S INCE THE United States and the...
Group Psychology and Christian Philosophy "There is a difference between communication and communion; love, unlike hatred, cannot be engineered" by KARL STERN p ERHAPS at no time since that...
warfare, affect the moral aspect of war. It was, among others, the late Cardinal Faulhaber who urged for an entire revision of the moral theology of war. There is an obvious parallel. Just as the...
istration has failed to stand behind its own trade programs when they came before Congress. The President, it seemed, ~eared risking his prestige, and, his Cabinet officers showed a conspioious...
HERE AND THERE THE THEOLOGICAL LAG T HREE WEEKS AGO I put a question in this column: "Where are the Catholic theologians capable of doing for Catholicism what men like Paul Tiltich and Niebuhr...
The problems of the Far East include population growth and significant ideological trends Along the Bamboo Curtain by JAMES A. MAGNER A NEW LOOK at the Far East, after an interval of six years,...
taken pains to secure local citizenship to insure their continued acceptance. Even with this, their future security, as in Indonesia, is by no means guaranteed. To understand this trend, one must...
gets out of it depends on what he brings to it. Most viewers, even those disappointed at what's been omitted or changed, especially at the end, will find its story exciting and its themes about...
"professional" training of the priest in his strictly sacerdotal functions occupies only a small portion of the course and often is quite distinct from the theology course as such. At any rate,...