THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION week by week THE REUTHER PROPOSALS W ALTER REUTHER has seized the initiative...
Religion in the Catholic College In practice, religion teachers seem to enjoy just about the same degree of academic prestige as that accorded to the members of the physical training staff by...
D EPRESSING as the picture seems, there is, however, ,a further alternative which I have thus far not mentioned because its values can be best measured in the light of the general campus...
HERE AND THERE WORDS, WORDS, J NTERNATIONAL COMMUNISM remains what it was, the United States remains what it was, but we are undergoing an agonizing reappraisal of the Cold War. We hear ever...
"History," says Maritain, "is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be looked at" The Meaning of History by FRANCIS E. McMAHON T HE TERM "Philosophy of History" has different meanings...
Maritain's thought is too rich to encompass in a brief article. I ,have been able to :allude only to some of the major themes. His habitual point of view fidelity to Catholic and Thomistic...
Fordbam University Founded in 1841--Conducted by the Jesuits FORDHAM CAMPUS DIVISION Fordham Road, New York 58, N. Y. Fordham College Graduate School of Arts and Sciences School of...
TRINITY COLLEGE INCORPORATED IN 1897 WASHINGTON, D. C. A Catholic Institution for the Higher Education of Women Conducted by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. For particulars address the...
BOOKS A Horace of the Nineteenth Century THACKERAY: THE AGE OF WISDOM (1847-1863). By Gordon N,. Ray. McGraw Hill. $8. By THOMAS F. CURL*EY W ITH THIS volume Professor Ray completes his...