THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-THIRD YEAR OP PUBLICATION -week by weekOBSCENITY AND FREEDOM IN RECENT WEEKS the news has been dominated...
The Western Hero "THE WORLD OF THE HERO IS A VIOLENT ONE, CLOSE TO THE FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES OF LIFE AND DEATH" JOHN P. SISK IT IS HARD not to be aware that the nation is suffering one...
RELIGION BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN IV Catholics under Communism ROBERT A. GRAHAM WITH THE WAR'S end, the Soviet Union found itself in a position to extend its political system, based upon a...
LESSONS OF THE PAST Education Then and Now THOMAS MOLNAR THE GREAT DEBATE over education — its critical condition and conflicting philosophies— remains too often a quarrel of sects, more...
374 ON DAVID'S PORTRAIT OF A GRANDNIECE (She was killed by horses the day it was finished.) When David painted my aunt's perfect child he drew gold in her hair and bluest eyes. Her slipper...
HERE AND THERE THE UNWANTED ISM CHIEF JUSTICE Warren asked in his Watkins decision, "Who can define the meaning of unAmerican?" This is something that has bothered me for a long time. I...
THE SCREEN BIG CITY BLUES IT WOULD ALMOST seem that the movie makers were conspiring with the heat wave to drive city dwellers into the country. Four new films consider various aspects of city...
377 OF NOTE THE POPE "TAKEN IN"? IN ENGLAND recently, Lord Cherwell criticized the position of Pope Pius on nuclear weapons, questioning his knowledge and implying that he had been duped by...
380 A Wrench of Pity THE FEAST OF LUPERCAL. By Brian Moore. Atlantic-Little, Brown. $3.75. By RICHARD HORCHLER LIKE The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne, Mr. Moore's widely-praised first...