THE Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-THIRD YEAR OP PUBIICATION -week by weekBATTLE OF THE BUDGET THE EDITORS of this magazine have...
Is Atomic Power Safe? "THE PROBLEMS RAISED BY 'PEACEFUL' ATOMIC ENERGY ARE IMMENSE AND GRAVE" CHARLES M. HERZFELD WHEN THOSE who think about the atomic age grow weary of...
RELIGION BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN The Plight of Judaism In its challenge to Western civilization, Communism has encountered no opposition more formidable than religion, which has everywhere...
awaiting trial or otherwise in eclipse, the Right seemed destined to carry the burden of responsibility for Vichy for decades to come. Under these circumstances the M.R.P., a new Catholic party...
HERE AND THERE THE OUTSTRETCHED HAND WHAT IS THE proper attitude of Christians toward Communists? The answer of course is to be found in the New Testament and in the penny catechism. The most...
THE SCREEN WHAT VALUE? IT WAS INEVITABLE that Robert C. Ruarkis novel, Something of Value, should be made into a movie. It had violence, sex and a plot set in Africa, with plenty of conflict...
COMMUNICATIONS "THE ORGANIZATION MAN" Philadelphia, Pa. TO the Editors: It is ironic that Will Herberg's article, "The Organization Man" [Apr. 19], should be coupled with an article on British...
community which provides school transportation to do so for all of its children. Why is this not a natural desire and a right one which should not be denied in the interests of the separation of...
BOOKS The Main Stream of Modern European Art MEN AND MONUMENTS. By Janet Planner. Harper. $5. By FRANK GETLEIN JANET PLANNER, or "Genet," J has been the New Yorker's Paris correspondent for...