The Commonweal A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature, and the Arts THIRTY-SECOND YEAR OF PUBLICATION week by week SHIFT ON FOREIGN AID F OR YEARS, fear of Communism has served as a...
Tito's Triumph "YUGOSLAVIA AND THE SOVIET UNION SHARE ONCE AGAIN A COMMON IDEOLOGICAL PLATFORM" JOSEF KORBEL I N NOVEMBER, 1948, four monll~.~ a~ter Yugoslavia had been expelled I~rom the...
IN CALIFORNIA Water, Power, and Politics LAWRENCE T. KING MERICA'S historic westward migration has become a modern mass movement to California. In fifteen years~1940 to 1955~the ~tate almost...
THE SCREEN MALICE IN WONDERLAND F ORTUNATELY, at the springtime of the year, studios are releasing a flock of outdoor films, films w,hich have for their .s~ttings .the great open spaces which...
COMMUNICATIONS "'FREUD, CATHOLICS, AND CULTURE" New York, N. Y. T O the Editors: At the risk of sounding like the rustic of one of Father Daly's "aseptic shades," and in a spirit of admiration...
NEW SCHOOL The "Poor Sod" As Hero SAM HYNES S INCE the end of World War II, critics in .Erigland, like their American counterparts, .have been waiting, sometimes rather anxiously, for the...
BOOKS A Cunning and Curious Dramatization THE MALEFACTORS. By Caroline Gordon. Harcourt. $3.95 By JOHN W. SIMONS M ISS Caroline Gordon, whose novels and short stories have always been...