The Commonweal week by week EASTER, 1955 T HE terrible difference between Christian Hope and the world's fulfillment has never been more starkly pointed up than at this Eastertime. While the...
Nehru of India "TO UNDERSTAND HIS POLICY WE MUST UNDERSTAND THE MAN, THE QUALITIES OF HI5 MIND AND HEART" JEROME D'SOUZA I T is probable that no foreign statesman puzzles the American public so...
MONOLOGUE FOR THE GOOD FRIDAY CHRIST the good Friday crowd went queues to kiss the crux Fidelis; soon shall each Have back to the least Joy and red cent What he gave up for Lent. I shall...
FROM ITALY The Void In Communism Rome A RNOLD Toynbee contends that Communism is a "'Christian heresy." Among European Catholics this idea is gaining ground. Communism is seen as an ersatz...
HERE AND THERE "I'VE GOT A LITTLE LIST" I N those days it came to pass that the U.S. and the USSR were again united against a common enemy, as they had been during the second of the two great...
THE STAGE BUS STOP A VAUDEVILLE of personality, picturesque and vivid: thus might one suggest the flavor and quality of Mr. William Inge's new play. For in this bleached and seedy cafr, poised...
THE SCREEN BIOGRAPHY C ATHERINE Marshall's glowing biography of her husband, who was famous for his sermons as a Presbyterian minister and for his pithy prayers as chaplain of the U.S. Senate,...
OF NOTE CAN WE DEFEND OURSELVES? T HE March 18 issue of The lndiana Catholic and Record, the Indianapolis diocesan paper (219 East St. Joseph Street, Indianapolis 6, Indiana) carries...
COMMUNICATIONS "CARDINAL MANNING" Portsmouth, R. I. T O the Editors: I hope it is not too late for me to comment on some of the points about my review of Shane Leslie's Cardinal Manning raised...
BOOKS Love and Violence: A Parable of Our Times FAITHFUL ARE THE WOUNDS. By May Sarton. Rinehart. $3. By FRANK GETLEIN I N her new novel, May Sarton moves from the world of purely personal...