The Commonweal week by week NO ROOM A S the Christian world moved solemnly toward the celebration of Christmas, a ritual of a different sort was under way in Washington. There a Senate...
Christmas: Anno Domini 1955 "OUR HISTORICAL SITUATION IS ONE OF GREAT EMBARRASSMENT FOR CHRISTENDOM" H. A. REINHOLD IN the stream of our Christmas consciousness there arc visible currents that...
IN CENTRAL PARK Memories of War ALICE SAXON "WHAT shall we play today? Bad men or good men? . . . . Bad men." This exchange, never varying in its conclusion, was the daily ritual of a group of...
THE STAGE THE LARK "SOME nights, when I am feeling depressed," Jean Anouilh has written of Joan of Arc, "I try to be rational and I say: the situation-social, political and military--was ripe...
A PRELUDE: FOR THE FEAST OF ST. AGNES O Small St. Agnes, dressed in gold With fire and rainbows round about your face: Sing with the martyrs in my Mass's Canon! Come home, come home, old...
THE SCREEN MOURNING BECOMES MAGNANI S INCE "The Rose Tattoo" was written for Anna Magnani in the first place, and she could not play it on the stage, we are doubly fortunate in having her in...
COMMUNICATIONS "CASE FOR THE FARMER" New York, N. Y. T O the Editors: Mr. James Hearst, in his article, "Case for the Farmer" [November 18], writes as though the farmer were the only one at the...
TEN YEARS LATER The Decisive Mr. Truman WILLIAM V. SHANNON THE natural tendency of the historian, it has been said, is to set a seal of approval on the past. Nowhere is this temptation to give...
BOOKS The Fruitful Ambiguity in Newman's Thought THE IMPERIAL INTELLECT" A STUDY OF NEWMAN'S EDUCATIONAL IDEAL. A. Dwight Culler. Yale University Press. $5. By FREDERICK D. WILHELMSEN THE...