The Commonweal week by week CENTRAL AMERICAN UNREST A SSUREDLY the arguments for the Schuman Plan and European economic union would have even greater force in turbulent Central America. The...
Orwell's Secular Crusade "HE HAD NOT ONLY A CONCERN FOR THE COMMON MAN, BUT A TEMPERAMENTAL AFFINITY WITH HIM." RICHARD J. VOORHEES G EORGE Orwell is rapidly becoming the liberal intellectuals'...
SEVERE TESTS AHEAD Can the Small College Survive? ALFRED F. HORRIGAN T HE term "small college" lends itself to impressions more readi'ly than to definitions--impressions either favorable or...
THE STAGE HOUSE OF FLOWERS M R. Truman Capote's scented fable, heavy with the fragrance of bougainvillea and hibiscus, unquestionably flourishes with a great and seductive beauty on the...
THE SCREEN NOW IS THE WINTER OF OUR DISCONTENT H ALF the lines in "Prince of Players" are by William Shakespeare and the other half are by Moss Hart, who based his script on the book by Eleanor...
OF NOTE RELIGIOUS ART T HE current issue of Liturgical Arts (7 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N.Y.) includes an article, "Toward a Living Climate of Religious Art," by the Most Rev. Joseph E....
COMMUNICATIONS CHRISTIAN CULTURE Philadelphia, Pa. TO the Editors: Mr. Joseph McMahon's recent letter [Jan. 7] attacking Christian culture studies betrays consistent misunderstanding of...
BOOKS Building a Bridge Between Dream and Reality THE COLLECTED POEMS OF EDITH SITWELL. Vanguard. $6.50. By ANNE FREMANTLE D AME Edith Sitwell is not only the dean of living English poets....