THE Commonweal past and present Our Enduring Concerns T HE end of a magazine's thirtieth year seems a good occasion for its editors to pause, examine the magazine's growth through...
Two Worlds PHYSICAL INTERDEPENDENCE HAS BECOME A FACT; THE MORAL SENSE HAS FAILED TO KEEP PACE. BARBARA WARD T HE idea of mankind as a single family under the Fatherhood of God is so much a...
Things That Are Caesar's "THE STRUGGLE FOR THE MIND AND HEART OF MAN IS LARGELY BEING FOUGHT ON A POLITICAL BATTLEGROUND.'" JOHN COGLEY W E can begin by taking certain things for granted: (1)...
Church Unity and World Unity WHERE SHOULD THE WORLD LOOK FOR A FOUNDATION FOR ITS UNITY? BERNARD LAMBERT T HE whole Catholic Church with its "separated brethren" each year-- most especially...
The Area of Catholic Freedom IT IS WIDER THAN THOSE OUTSIDE THE CHURCH CAN SOMETIMES SEE OR UNDERSTAND. WILLIAM P. CLANCY A CATHOLIC, by the profession of his faith, has the advantage of...
SONNETS FOR DOOM T HIS question pricks now the residual clay: When shaU the doom walk up our wharves and streets, and Christmas father the last jocund day? The sybil leaves us guessing and love...
The Church and the Arts THE CHRISTIAN IDEAL IS THE HARMONIOUS COLLABORATION BETWEEN THE SACRED AND THE SECULAR. JOHN W. SIMONS W E know from the nature of the Church--the Church as a...
Thirty Years of The Commonweal WHAT WAS SAID ON SOME OF THE CENTRAL ISSUES DURING THE LAST THREE DECADES The Idea Takes Form W E believe that The Commonweal will be so fundamentally...