Commonweal week by week NATURE OF THE CHALLENGE F AILURE to capitalize on the disparity between the utopia promised by the Communists and the realities of life in the Soviet Union has long...
The Age of Advertising THE ADS ARE A FORM OF MAGIC WHICH HAVE COME TO DOMINATE A NEW CIVILIZATION. MARSHALL McLUHAN M OST people must by now have seen the original advertisement featuring a...
by the othc~ iteam around them. A~d ao ad ha~ its meaning by itself. Anybody can prove this simply by cutting one out of a magazine and studying it, or by stopping and looking cardully at one....
THE SCREEN RIDING, RIDING L IKE Alfred Noyes' highwayman, Laurence Olivier charges through "The Beggar's Opera" with a gusto that i~ a pleasure to behold. Whether he be courting the ladies...
OF NOTE AUTHORITY I N a recent issue of Blackfriars (St. Giles, Oxford, England), Archbishop Roberts, S.J., writes "On Commending Authority." Formerly Ordinary of the Archdiocese of Bombay,...
anomalie~ which, had I not seen, I could hardly have believed. To take only one example, fill recently there was, or perhaps even is now, a port where certain dispensations for the benefit of...
A Criticism POETRY AND THE AGE. By Randall Jarroll, Knopf. $4. By PATRICK F. QUINN B OOKS about modern poetry have been appearing with such frequency of late that it wig soon be difficult...