Commonweol week by week THE BOOK-BJJP.~JING CONTK~OVBRSY I N June, 1643, the British Parliament, alarmed that "many . . . false, seditious, and libellous" books had lately been published, to...
Revolt of the Children THEY WERE BORN INTO A WORLD WHERE LIFE ITSELF HAS BEEN DEVALUED. MANYA HARARI T HE faces, in the photographs in the daily newspapers, of delinquents, and problem...
FROM ITALY The Woman Who Was Rich Trieste S HE undoubtedly was an extreme case. Perhaps that is why she was so interesting as a person. She had a way of seeing and judging herself, unusual in...
feelings, that she did not hesitate to compare her earllor social tragedies with her later sufferings. She remembered that as a rich wife she had played with tl~ horrifying thought that she...
of these is an attempt to take admmtallo t f em d tha perfidious clamel of the Taft-Hart~ Act, which ~o.that strikers cannot vote in a representation eleotion ff their jobs have been RUed by...
BOOKS The Cosmic Struggle FOR THE SAKE OF HEAVEN. By Martin Buber. Translated by Ludwig Lewisohn. Harpers. $3. ily WILL HERBERG H ASIDISM emerged in Eastern Europe in the eighteenth...