The Commonweal WEEK BY WEEK Foreign Aid 3 N,DE,R!STAND_~BLY enough, .few .things in this ~orld give ,the elected oflleial more pleasure .t'h, an .t~he opporturfity ,to point out to ,his...
Symbols: Hiss and Pound The histories of both men provide a lesson, and it is not "stop being avant.garde, stop being liberal." By PETER VIERECK A LGER HISS and Ezra P,ound are t~he two ghosts...
The Lost Liberals "For a few of us, it is a matter for regret that it is no longer tenable, or practical, or loyal to have been even a small liberal." By DORIS GRUMBACH r - ] I ' V e Rose...
CHALLENGES TO RELIGION: IV Karl Marx and Materialism By VICTOR WHITE M ARX,ISM is ~mdeniably the most powerfial challenge r religion of ou.r time, if not of all time. Wlhen we have estimated...
SO THEY TELL ME The Meaning of Victory in Joseph Conrad L IKE Eu.did making 'his .famous announcement about .parallel lines, Gradaam Greene observed tthat "two of the great novels of the last...
ing fun of Axel Heyst. I ~have always liked him." At ,this point I want to ,take Conrad's novel so seriously as to suggest that ~t laas other meaning ,han might easily be read into it in I914....
that greeted some of his motion picture writin,g~"We could make beau.tiful music together"--convinced him that the clash between a scientifically observed surface and an imaginatively ,phrased...
knows lhow and ~hen to comfort .her ~husband, she finally decides ,th,at this is her Ihouse and her .marriage too and she will do a little rushing ou, t too vchen things go wrong. A word should...
ott'r sons fiave paid ,for this already in Korea, and too many Englishmen have paid for gt ,r162 r lives in Malaya. EDWARD HUNTER. Washington, D. C. T o THg EDzrO~S: My re~iew of Mr. Hun,ter's...
Books Look Down in Mercy. HZalter Baxter. Putnam. $;3.50. C URRENTLY, in the Ca~olic press, ~ere is a lbtle flurry of disapproval because Graham Greene was ~iven the Catholic Literary Award...