Commonweal | | I I 1 | i WEEK , , u , I BY WEEK Positive Objectives F OR the past five years, straight Communist propaganda has had little effect in this country; mo~t Americans who had...
The Catholicism of James Joyce "I was sold to Rome before my birth": a portrait of the artist as an apostate. B), SAM HYNES I T IS A curious truth, ~though no*t perhaps universally...
For Lenten Reading* SAINTS FOR OUR TIMES By Theodore Maynard author of Too Sra,,ll a World: The Life o~ Francesca Cabrini Theodore Maynard writes of those saints, from the twelfth to the...
to avoid shoddng ,vahe most ,ten~der-minded oouven~t-school girl. The greatest of all Cal~holJic novelists, in my estimation~Sigrid U~dset--~is still neglected by 'Catholics, n.~t so 'much...
JUST PUBLISHED STORIES FOR DISCUSSION By William L. Defy Author o/ CATECHETICdL STORIES FOR CHILDREN Seventeen short stories with e series of questions for discussion at the end of each....
Catholic Books T HE ,foll o~in~g no~a-/iction t kles have been selected from ,the publishers' oa~n design~ti,,ns of ~hei~r most important Catholqc books of the past yea, r. One and Holy. Karl...
BOOKS OF CATHOLIC INTEREST TRUTH. Vol. I by St. Tbomas Aquinas The first g n g l l s h t r a n s l a t i o n of Bt. Thomas' De Veritate. Bated on the forthcoming Leonine edition. t h i s will...