The Commonweal | 1 WEEK BY WEEK i iii i i i i i l l l ~ The Vote in India M ORE than one political observer yielding to the human tendency to oversimplify, has declared that India is today in...
East German Refugees II Without privacy, dignity or tangible hope for the future, they have generally lost heart. By BERTRAND SCHNEIDER (In last week's issue Mr. Schneider told about the...
Dilemma in the Middle East By ANDREW BOYLE THE speed with wh~ich !bad news travels these days is usually in inverse ratio to tche average ci,tizen s sl~,wness ,in s~al~ov~in,g news daat h~oks...
purpose before diplomatic overtures have been tried. The tragic and largely meanJngless t~ll of terrorist aots and of British coun, ter-measures is slowly frittering away the last...
t/~ing, so ,long .as I am ,l~he one w~ho has it." I,t is dlear at o,nce {ha~: ~ a.p~y to the Roosevelt re~irne a "Roabespierre phi,losophy of govern,me,at" is to be unfair both to Robespierre and...
and create shyness, which sometimes reaches pathological proportions. Shyness ,has been a major problem anmng Northerners. It has not been solved because Freud named it the inferiority complex....
ously defined r I~ the course of snaring her man, she also manages to sell an amateurish play her sister has w~ri, tten, and to guaran, tee father and bro,ther some kind of m,i, ld...
ctra.raeters .to ,life. 'lqhe short scene in wtrich the minister (effectively played by Robert Morley in his only appea, rante in the film) visits .rile small back room ~here the scien~tists...
Buckley's Attack on Yale By LEO R. WARD I N HIS little Ibo~k God and Man at Yale, WRliarm F. Btw.ldey, Jr., raises questions m,ach wider and deeper vhan ,the book goes. I am c~,ncerned...
Books Israel: The Beginning and Tomorrow. Hal Lehrman. 81oane dstor $3.75. T HE period of Zionist propaganda literature on Palestine seems to be ~t an end. Since a Catholic...