The Commonweal WEEK BY WEEK i Omens in the Middle East T HERE appears to be no end to the trials confronting the embattled Western PROWers. At last the defenses of Europe are gradually...
East German Refugees Nine million uprooted men, women and children have sought refuge in the Western Zones. By BERTRAND SCHNEIDER w E still tremble when peop,le speak of Dachau o,r...
th.e ab.sen,ce of th'e Sa:cram~er~ts, ,theirs was a living fa.ilrh, and daily Ma,s,s succeeded in bringing together l:he hi.tile comm, un,i~ty wh~i~h l~ad been sca,ttered. Bu;t we were...
FROM CANADA The Revolution in Ottawa B EFORE Mr. Churehi,ll dgned h, is W~nsto~ Spencel to the final Washington cormnunique, saying th~tt ~he no longer 0bjeeted to the appointment of an...
F ERRETING otrt "Dominion" Item govermnent terminology has broug~a~t about many chan~ges w~i~h are .apparer~t ~i~ everyday ,life. For i,nstance, teleph~ae operators answer "Governmen;t of Canada"...
show so si, r~g~karly lime insi,ffht in,to ,themselves and so litde pl~in i:r~M,l~gen,ce ? W~hy must they be ,pe~le v~ho are ,tryin,g to ~ive in the past and aecord,ing to the ~d,e of a...
The trouble with rhymed couplets as ~ dramatic device is, of course, the fact tha't each rhyme, with its reiniorced emphasis, constitutes a period. W,here the rhyme talls, the line stops. An...
standing. But by that time "C~ry, the Beloved Country" has e.~ta,b,lished itself. I.ts themes have moved your heart and your head. You ~aave seen shanty town and ,the breedhag place for crime...
The Quiet General By ]AMES O'GARA O NE of the greatest inducements lx~vard au, tobiographical writing 6y pol:itical and military figures .is the oppo.r~tunity ~t provides to e~plain, or...
Books Eisenhower. John Gunther. Harper. J OHN GUNTHER'S ,l~test guided t~ur ~l~h.roug~ one of the great facts of ou,r ~me is as ~imely, anecdote-parked and breathless as most of his...