Commonweal WEEK BY WEEK Mr. Sugrue's Article o NE of ,the ma,in difficu'lties ~,n the way o,f better Catholic-Protestant understanding 'is ~hat the two churches have a common vocabulary 'bu~t...
Glimpses of Ire land "Rum, Romanism and Rebellion" can be translated "Joie de vivre, Catholicism and Personality." By ERIK VON KUEHNELT-LEDDIHN T HE first ~mpressiorrs o~ Ireland are...
T HERE ,i,s still o,nfe ,conaplevely urrsolved p, e question of No,rthern Ireland, of ehe ,so-ca'lied Six Counties. Wi, thou~t a solution no real Iris.h-English unders~ta,nding...
SO THEY TELL ME to shed ,its ink. 'Over ,file ,hidden dvamber of their ~atern,al ~go~ies I d,rvw floe wiL The Mystery of Matriarchy A MERICANS, given more ~han most peoples to pu~ic...
the p~,tatlve frustTa~ions ~ sdhoekeachers to accoum for the existence of .our s~,pposed matriarchy. "Yhat we submit to our w~men because submission is a pattern of acrion learned ,in our puM~c...
The Screen When you see "Rooan ,for One More," you'll understand why the o0ml~lemly amsdfish Roses, who h,ad thdr fukl share of aches and pai.ns and ,~ps and dowas, were a loving aad h~ppy...
Communications "'Thunder in the East" Wasl~i~ton, D. C. T O ~he Ed~tms: The al~ricle headed "Tbmxter in ~t~ East," by Dr. Josef K~rbel, whioh appeared in ~the November ~6 issue of y~ur journal,...
Books 8#ark o[ Life. Erich Maria Remarque. .4ppleton Century Crofts. $3.75. E RI'(3/-I Maria Remarque has wrieten a novel on one of the most evil creations of our time, ~he concentration...