The Commonweal WEEK BY WEEK Next Move? w HEN ,the I~orean bruce talks begs, o~e of the risks this country accepted was cheat an armistice would free Chinese troops for a plunge i;r~t~...
A YOUNG REPUBLICAN The Party and the Deep Blue Sea "Ideally, the Republican Platform should acknowledge a domestic enemy, the State." By WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY, JR. T WO thousand words are mine...
A YOUNG DEMOCRAT The Time for All Good Men If the Democrats will remove corruption as an issue and Truman will remove himself . . . By DONALD McDONALD I CHERISH 'buJt ~vr hopes for the...
W'h,ile a na*ti,orral, ma~da~tory a,nd ptmi, tive Fa,i,r Employmen,t Practice la~w, for example, may be requi,red even~tually, e he mo~t rea,l,is,tic ~ay to a~rfive at ~l~he 'ideal ,o,r even...
To rdig/ons who ask~ her ~bo~t her voea~i~ aad feared .to take ,her ,from ~ e ,in,telleetual labors .tha,t she wo~d scarcely have ,~ime/or as a C~rme~ke, Edith S,tefia replied simply: "I.t ,is...
Rodgc~, Hart, and O'Hava w~rote d~ir saga Ix[ a dlmap, self-seeking ~baret ~tx~rformer straight trom the Shoulder, and, w~th a single posS~O1E exc~6on, it is being ~layed ,that way at *he...
The Bookies By jOg- DEVER T H.E Feds ,have fmaRy beaten the boddes r cover, Lt~ probably a very ~good t~ng for the moral hea~ of the nation. Bt~t one can't hetp feting a little nostalgic about...
Books The Catherine I4Vheel. Jean Stafford. Harcourt, Brace. $3. J EAN STAFFORD'S forrrti'&61e t~den, t is errg~aged here wi.t~h mat~r~al of excel~ti~n~l res~tmme and difficultly. The...
Books The Catherine I4Vheel. Jean Stafford. Harcourt, Brace. $3. J EAN STAFFORD'S forrrti'&61e t~den, t is errg~aged here wi.t~h mat~r~al of excel~ti~n~l res~tmme and difficultly. The...