The Commonweal WEEK BY WEEK What Alternative? I N OUR determined elf,oft t.o eont a4n Commu'n,[sm and preserve peace i~t x~0ould seem th,wt our choice ,is limited. The U/~ited Natiorts o...
Morality, Science and Art Isn't it time for the scientist and the artist to say: "Here stand I, I can do no other"? By ALEX COMFORT T HERE have been times ~a the hbcory of art and of sdence...
The Case of Mr. Service By HAROLD C. HINTON O NE of the ,m'~n issues .in the coming election ~pa~,ffn as ,likely r~o be the Fax Eastern polficies of the Roosevett a.~d Truman...
THE LABOR MOVEMENT Life and Death In the Mines T HE person,ality of Ceci,1 Sanders appeals to me. Sanders is .the only su.rvivor of *he explosion in Oriea~t Mine No. 2 at West Frankfort,...
coedlng ~o~g fine dark road, they finally arrived in the middle of the rdgbt, ~n H.azleton, a distance of seven trfiles, where they fotm, d ~eker. In spite of every effort of file doctor, Col.l's...
her ~too much to live, he goes to his own death--and not a moment too soma, oither. The at~hor--~t ,least in Kkty Black's transla.tion-is at 'ha~s best when he is ,g~al~biest. Using an...
the U. S. mail 'betwem Palm Beach and Miami was oaxried ,by a lively young man who also frequen~tly carried his shoes over h,is shoulders. Aeex~ing to ,d~is rather spafig~fly film, based on...
Books The Seasons" Difference. Frederick Buechner. Knopl. $3.50. M R. BUECHNER, who eeceived conskterable a ttent~n a~llowins file publication of his first novel, A Long Day's Dying,...