T]/8 Commonweal WEEK BY WEEK Resolution and Restraint I N an end-of-the-year speech before the Jewish War Veterans, Dean Acheson said that the two qualities "most needed for the long pull...
Danger Signs in Japan The drift toward State Shinto may mean a revival of religious intolerance. By HUGH H. SMYTHE T HE unity of governmertt and rel:i,gion, or saisei itchi, has been a...
that to "ord~" a period of even silent prayer, or for a high government official to pay homage to a.god of an important national Shinto shrine and g~ve such action wide publidty, is to aid in...
SO THEY TF_LI. ME Murder on Christmas A MAN is murdered on Christmas night_9 I do not know what in me expects that this will not happen. For there is no reason why men who will violate the law...
The Stage CLEOPATRA AND FRIENDS S HAW always delighted in cmrrpa~ing himself w~th Stmkespeare, but i+t wasn't am til Laurence Olivier and Vivien Lei~ deoided to play "Caesar and Oleol~tra"...
The Screen GETTING TO KNOW YOU T HAT cinema speaks aa'l ,i~tern~tiona~l ~langu.age, in sp~te of the .fact that somad .tracks are usual.ly national .n~ow, is evidenced by a group of new,...
Communications European Union New York, N. Y. T O THE Editors: Congratulations on y~m" ~ g t h t ened view of the European u~ion question. It is of the utmost importance t~hat Europe mace and...
The Story of Steve Hergenhan By DOROTHY DAY S TEVE HERGENHAN came ~0 The Catholic Worker from Union Sqtmre. He was a German carpenter, a skilled workman who after forty years of frugal living...
are begirming to open thdr eyes to the glory and the pot~mirdities of life their life is cut short as a weaver's thread. They were like the grass of the field. "The spaces 6f this life, set owr...
Books The Dada Painters and Poets: An Anthology. Robert Mother'well, ed. Hzittenhorn, 8chultz. $15. A S MOST of us are secretly a~rare, all an'fists in all times have been pursued by ghosts,...