WEEK BY WEEK The Wall IT COMES as no great surprise to learn that the influence of 'the Kefauver TV show and the MacArthuur hearings has made itself felt on baseball, the national pastime. In...
The Impact of the West on Asia The East, in adopting Western technology, has inherited a series of new social problems. By ARNOLD TOYNBEE ASIA is certainly waking up today; the Western world is...
Britain Seen by an American A SHORT time back an American writer—whom I will call Dr. Smith—in an American Catholic review gave a survey of his experience of England in general and London in...
Lay Apostles in the Field I JUST got back from Pittsburgh, where the Newspaper Guild, cio, held its annual convention. It was the union's 18th convention, but my first. When it was over I was proud...
The Stage FAILURE AT THE TOP THE American National Theatre and Academy is going through a series of soul-struggles at the moment, and one of the lesser iproblems now being hashed over has to do...
The Screen TENNIS ANYONE? THE game of tennis comes into its own this week with two new films in .which the leading characters are masters of the sport. The real master of "Strangers on a Train" of...
Communications A Reply to Leigh White New York, N. Y. TO the Editors: Leigh White's letter (July 6, 1951) charges that my review of his book, Balkan Caesar, has done him wrong. Some of 'the...
Don't You Agree? By ED WILLOCK THERE is a logical sequence in Stuart Chase's literary concerns. His Rich Land, Poor Land, which we read in the mid-thirties, was a document of indignation at the...
Of Note Freud and Religion: Another View MARYSE CHOISY, editor of Psyche, is the author of "Psychoanalysis and Catholicism," which was first delivered as an address before the Catholic Institute...
Books Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Anti-Christ. Walter A. Kaufmann. Princeton. $6. FEW philosophers of the nineteenth century have left such a deep impression on the thought of our time...