Commo l WEEK BY WEEK A Scandal Grows T HE imminence of election year ,gives new ~n~cCus to ,the conti,rming revel~tiom of venality in Washington and ~ther centers of American political...
Pacifism and the Christian Conscience Is there any escape from the dilemma that modem war and warfare provide? By MICHAEL DE LA BEDOYERE T HERE is no came for s t~rprise today in the fact...
cendant, the true C,h,vis,tian daty ,is certainly n,ot to aeqmesee in these evitls, but neither is i,t to escape from ~the material .and natural duties arrd sacrifices wkieh ohey email. Is it not...
A. S. Makarenko, insists, in his book ,'ldvice to Fathers and Mothers, upon the authority o,f the family father, on the solidity of the f~mily itself and on the necessity of keeping the children...
The Stage I AM A CAMERA J OHN VAN DRUTEN'S new play is set in the Berlin of z93o, jnst before the irreslsonsible and pour le sport tnventies got ~r was undoubtedly conai,n,g to thorn, and it...
The Screen DREAMING OF A WHITE CHRISTMAS I T WOULD be ~ood, of course, if more of the fe~tivities surrounding Christmas were appropriate to the original intention; but if even some of .the...
Of Note Style for Christian Art T HE current n~aber of Litureical drts (7 East 42nd St., New York x7) contains an article by William Justema enfi,tled "Sources of Style for Christian Art." Here...
Books The 8tory of the New York Times. Meyer Berger. Simon and Schuster. Ssax T HE first t~ng one notices about Meyer Bergefs ~oo-year his,troy of the New York Times is that is extremely...