The Commonweal WEEK BY WEEK Economic Shadows I NFLATION ap,pears to be the chief villain in the signals of distress the United States is now receiving from Britain and France. Both countries...
The Issues in Egypt The sins of imperialist fathers are being visited on the sons of a new Britain. By M. A. FITZSIMONS T HE BRITISH dispute with Egypt is a ta/~led w~b o,f old "wrongs" a n~d...
it grows more heated as conditions grow worse. There is no al~pare,nt way of escaping this domestic frustration, which breeds discouragement an.d irresponsiibility and this, in turn, carries...
THE LABOR MOVEMENT Dirt on the Waterfront I HAD to laugh the other day. I read a piece by Murray Kempton, the bright young t~,bor columnist of the New York Post, that brot~ght back...
I quote from Wes~brook Pegler in the N.Y. JournalAmerican, Oct. 3, I951: "The Mr. Big that many gossips have been hinting *bout lately is Bill MeCorm,ack, the ,boss of the port of New York ....
and Hammerstdn, and even Rodgers and Hammerstdn are somewhat over-imposin,g in "The King aaad I " - and there are, in addition, a lot ot deligh~fu/ comedians who don't s the more closely woven...
SOLVE YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT PROBLEM GIVE MEXICO: A LAND OF VOLCANOES by Archbishop Joseph H. Schlarman Second printing just out W~hat critics say: "We had long sought in vain for a satisfactory...
Books Memoirs o/ H/eizsacker. Henry Reenery Co. $3.75. T flHEp dust jacket co~tains on i,ts a l~st of rela,ted books pttb~ished by ~e same firm, v~hida the puJblis~hers seem to regard...