The Commonweal I L WEEK BY WEEK Korean Truce Parleys c HIN~ESE concessions on the matter of the truce ~ine in Korea have not unraveled the eniffma that slarrounds ~heir plans. T,he onset of...
Thunder in the East The India-Pakistan dispute over Kashmir may be the gravest of all threats to world peace. By JOSEF KORBEL I REMEM]~E,R vivi'd'ly the la,st words Liaquat All Khan said to...
First an Idea, Then a University By FRANCIS E. McMAHON N OT far from the center of Bogota, Colombia, and lying at the foot cff the mountain wh.ioh dominates the city, is the University of...
SO THEY TELL ME The Elections in England I T MIGHT be well to poin, t out that one of the results of the British elections is the demonstration of the fact that Socialism can submit itself to...
accepted by Conservatives and Laborites alike, as men would stipulate the existence of rain. I wa~nt here to pay tribute to the Cotumb.ia Broadcasting System. Under the guidance of Howard K....
Athenian into a series of picture~p0stcard tableaux, permlts him to speak softly to a variety of ideological opponeats, and then condemns hi.m to death. But nc~here has he given him a clear,...
Actually "The Browning Fersion" covers other subjeets than the in~ellty of the wife of the classics teacher Andrew Crocker-Harris. Effectively photographed at an English ,boys' school, the film...
To Be a Child Again Many Americans might want to return to their childhood, but the French would answer a flat no. By CLAIRE HUCHET BISHOP W OULD you like to be a child again? It depends...
Children's Books Picture Books Finders Keepers. Will and Nicholas. Harcourt, Brace. $2. Two dogs find e.n,e bone. The Family Mother Goose. Pictures by Leonard [/Feisgard. Harper. $1.25. A...
for BOYS and GIRLS TEN SAINTS by Eleanor Farjeon Biographies of .ten ,favorite saints told ~for ten- vo. fourteen-year-old readers. With each story is a luminous ,picture by Helen...